Molly L. Holinger, Ph.D.
Interim Chair and Assistant Prof Chase Hall 245Office: (716) 878-3698
Email: holingml@buffalostate.edu
Molly Holinger is an Assistant Professor of Creativity and Change Leadership at SUNY Buffalo State. She received her PhD in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development from the University of Connecticut and her M.S. in Creative Studies from the Center for Applied Imagination at SUNY Buffalo State. She also works a consultant for the Creativity and Emotions Lab at the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence. Her research and teaching focus on the positive outcomes of creativity, such as engagement, meaning, and positive emotions. Molly has published in research journals such as Gifted and Talented International, Translational Issues in Psychological Science, and the Journal of Creative Behavior. She has also published chapters in the Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Emotions, the Cambridge Handbook of Creativity Across Domains, and the Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback.