European Program
Work closely with change agents and creativity experts from all over Europe!
A combination of seated courses and online learning makes this cutting-edge program available to our European students.
Complete our State University of New York graduate certificate program, then continue with our master of science degree in creativity.

National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taiwan
In 2018 the Center for Applied Imagination entered into a unique 1+1 graduate program with NCHU. Through a combination of courses taken at both institutions, NCHU students can earn two master’s degrees. A Master’s in Marketing from NCHU, and after studying with the Center for Applied Imagination, a Master of Science Degree in Creativity and Change Leadership. This potent 1+1 degree arrangement provides NCHU students with both the technical and leadership skills to become highly successful in the field of marketing and in management positions.

China Program
The master of science degree in creativity is now available to qualified students in China.
Instruction is provided through a combination of seated courses in China (at Sichuan University) and in the United State (at SUNY Buffalo State College).
The goal of this collaborative program is to build a community of creative thinkers in China. Join us!

Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB), Colombia
To support the growing interest in creativity in the country of Colombia, the Center for Applied Imagination joined forces with the UNAB. Through a memorandum of understanding, the Center for Applied Imagination has helped support UNAB in designing their creativity courses and curriculum, as well as their creativity institute.

Sheridan College, Canada
Through a memorandum of understanding with one of Ontario’s largest colleges, the Center for Applied Imagination helped this institution rebrand itself around the concept of creativity. As part of Sheridan’s campus-wide mission, the Center for Applied Imagination shared their curricular expertise as Sheridan designed its board-approved undergraduate certificate in Creativity and Creative Problem Solving. This certificate continues to be endorsed by the Center for Applied Imagination. Moreover, as part of Sheridan’s strategic initiative, our faculty trained more than 200 Sheridan faculty and staff in applied creativity methodologies.

University of the Virgin Islands (UVI)
While not an international program, we are also proud to collaborate with other United States universities and colleges. Our most active current collaboration is a joint program with the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI), US Virgin Islands. UVI offers a Ph.D. in Creative Leadership for Innovation and Change (CLIC) and our Graduate Certificate is one of the areas of concentration from which these doctoral students can choose. In this way, the UVI doctoral students earn dual credentials, a Ph.D. from UVI and the SUNY Graduate Certificate from Buffalo State. For alumni of our program, they can apply 18 credit hours from our graduate work to the doctoral curriculum at UVI.