Our Faculty
The value of creativity knows no bounds. As such, we attract students from all fields and endeavors. To best serve our students, we feature a faculty team with a diverse set of backgrounds. While experts in their respective fields of study, all of our faculty are thought leaders in the field of creativity.

Gerard J. Puccio, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor Chase Hall 245Office: (716) 878-6223
Email: pucciogj@buffalostate.edu
Gerard J. Puccio's profile

Susan Keller-Mathers, Ed.D.
Associate Professor Chase Hall 246Office: (716) 878-4070
Email: kellersm@buffalostate.edu
Susan Keller-Mathers's profile

Molly L. Holinger, Ph.D.
Interim Chair and Assistant Prof Chase Hall 245Office: (716) 878-3698
Email: holingml@buffalostate.edu
Molly L. Holinger's profile

Melodi Ozyaprak, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Chase Hall 245Office: (716) 878-6223
Email: ozyaprm@buffalostate.edu
Melodi Ozyaprak's profile

William D. Yates, Ed.D.
Lecturer Chase Hall 245Office: (716) 878-6223
Email: yateswd@buffalostate.edu
William D. Yates's profile

Jo A. Yudess, Ed.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor Chase Hall 231Office: (716) 878-3209
Email: yudessja@buffalostate.edu
Jo A. Yudess's profile

Susan L. Rizzo, B.S.
Administrative Assistant 1 Chase Hall 248Office: (716) 878-6223
Email: rizzosl@buffalostate.edu
Susan L. Rizzo's profile

Mary Kay Culpepper, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorEmail: MaryKayCulpepper@gmail.com
Mary Kay Culpepper, Ph.D.'s profile

Tamara McMillan, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorEmail: mcmilltl@buffalostate.edu
Tamara McMillan, Ph.D.'s profile

Laura Barbero Switalski, M.S.
Adjunct ProfessorEmail: switallb@buffalostate.edu
Laura Barbero Switalski, M.S.'s profile